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I’ve always had a tough

time wearing tampons. Most

of the time they don’t feel

comfortable. Is that normal?


For women who have never

been sexually active, tampons

may not initially be comfortable.

However, it may be a matter of

finding the right tampon. There

are slim tampons and tampons

with plastic applicators. These are

generally much more comfortable

than a standard-size tampon with a

cardboard applicator.

In some cases, women may

never be completely comfortable

using a tampon for cultural reasons

or because they just don’t like the

idea of something in the vagina.

However, if the problem is not

being able to insert a tampon

at all because of a perceived

obstruction, then you should

see a gynecologist for a physical

evaluation to determine if there is

something causing difficulty

with insertion.


Is it normal for me to

leak urine, even if I’m not my

mom’s age?


It is not normal, but it is

also not uncommon in younger

women, especially if you have had

children. Being pregnant causes

changes in the tissue, muscles, and

nerves and can contribute to stress

incontinence — urine leakage that

occurs when you cough, laugh,

sneeze, lift something, or exercise.

If you’ve had a baby recently,

stress incontinence will most

likely improve with time. But no

matter your age or situation, if

incontinence is affecting your

day-to-day activities or self-

esteem or causing skin irritation

or infections, talk to your doctor.

There are helpful treatments,

like pelvic floor rehabilitation

offered through Methodist

Mansfield Medical Center’s

physical therapy department

( MansfieldPhysicalMedicine )



Should I douche?


Douching is generally

not recommended and

actually increases the risk for

developing bacterial vaginosis

(BV), the most common cause

of vaginal discharge in women of

childbearing age. In the vagina,

“good” bacteria balance out the

“bad” bacteria. But douching can

wipe out the “good” bacteria,

throwing off the good-bad ratio

and resulting in infection.

Questions & Answers


Methodist Mansfield’s medical staff

boasts dozens of providers to answer

your questions and make sure you

get the care you need. Find one

today at FindAPhysician ,

or call



Are there questions you’d like to ask your OB-GYN but you’re too

embarrassed? Here Melinda Velez, DO, OB-GYN at Methodist Mansfield

Medical Center, steps up to offer a few of the answers you wanted.


with Melinda Velez, DO

Methodist Mansfield Medical Center

Winter 2014 – 2015