Methodist Health System | Methodist Richardson Medical Center | Shine | Summer 2014 - page 7

you’ve had a bad night’s sleep, you may see
it in your face the next morning. But chances
are the rest of your body — including your
brain — is paying for it, too.
“Sleep is essential for good health,”
says Gregory Foster, MD, director of the
Methodist Richardson Sleep Disorders
Center. “It improves your memory and
decision-making abilities, not to mention
helping prevent illness.”
If you’re not sure you believe in the
benefits of a good night’s sleep, these facts
just might change your mind.
I only need a few hours of sleep.
Adults typically need seven to nine
hours of sleep per night. Sleeping less can
affect your mood, memory, energy level,
and productivity.
A chronic lack of sleep is also linked
to serious health conditions, such as
diabetes, obesity, depression, and heart
disease. And once you have these problems,
getting too little sleep can make it harder
to manage them.
If I’m not sleeping enough
during the week, it’s okay to catch up
on the weekend.
While sleeping in on Saturday
may seem like a sound strategy, keeping a
regular sleep schedule — and sticking with
it on the weekends — is a better plan.
Changes in that schedule, even if you’re
“catching up,” can interfere with your
sleep cycle, which may mean more lost
sleep and fatigue in the long run.
Exercising before bed will help
me sleep.
Physical activity can be a sleep
aid — but only if you time it right.
Exercising close to bedtime can invigorate
you and make getting to sleep more difficult.
Try to time your workout for at least three
hours before you hit the sheets.
Source: National Institutes of Health
Getting those
If you suspect that a sleep disorder stands between you and a good night’s rest, we can help. Methodist
Richardson is home to one of the only sleep centers in the area accredited by the American Academy of
Sleep Medicine. For more information, visit
ZZ Zs?
Get more
If you’re having trouble
drifting off, Gregory
Foster, MD, and other
experts recommend these
simple changes:
before bed
with a good book or a
warm bath.
Avoid naps,
particularly after 3 p.m.
If you do nap, keep it
short — no more than
20 minutes.
Don’t eat or drink
too close to bedtime.
Methodist Richardson Medical Center
Fall 2014
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